Location : Shettikeri ,Gadag, Karnataka
Date : 27-Jan-2009.
Time: 4 AM to AM
Date : 27-Jan-2009.
Time: 4 AM to AM
List of birds seen
- Common Sandpiper.
- Euresian Collar Dove.
- Red watiled lapwing.
- Brahmini duck.
- Babbler.
- Ashy crown sparrow lark.
- River turn.
- Grey frankolin.
- Little egret.
- Silver bill.
- Intermediate Egret.
- purple rump sunbird.
- Purple Sunbird.
- Peacock.
- Greater cow call.
- Short eared owl.
- Barn swallow.
- Wire tailed swallow.
- Long tailed Shrike.
- Laughing dove.
- Red vented bulbul.
- Un id pipit.
- Montaguse harrier.
- Grey heron.
- Jungle crow.
- House crow.
- Northern Shoveller.
- Rose ringed parakeet.
- Pond heron.
- Iora.
- Marsh harrier.
- Bee eater.
- Common Myna.
- Pied Bushchat.
- Blyth's reed warblur.
- Plain prenia.
- Green sandpiper.
- Bar headed goose.
- Chestnut bellied sandgrouse.
- Crown headed gull.
- Green shank.
- Spotted sandpiper.
- Glossy ibis.
- Kentesh plover.
- Little stint.
- Brown shrike.
- Black ibis.
- Black drango.
- Stone chat.
- Black tailed godwit.
- Rufous tailed lark.
- Southern grey shrike.
- Brahmini Myna.
- Indian Roller.
- Pied crested cuckoo.
- Little egret.
- White brested water hen.